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Appointments are available Weds 12-6, Thurs 10-7, Fri 10-7 and Sat 10-5.

If you have any questions about a treatment please contact me so we can discuss suitability and any possible contraindications

Holistic Massage

A massage that is tailored to your needs to leave you feeling relaxed or energised, and can focus on areas that are causing pain or problems.


The manipulation of specific reflex points in the feet, in order to release blockages or imbalances and, restore the flow of energy around the body,

Not suitable during pregnancy

Reflexology for Womens Health

The manipulation of specific reflex points in the feet, with a focus on the hormone systems to restore balance and alleviate menopausal symptoms,

Not suitable during pregnancy

Myofascial Release

An approach that releases restrictions in the body.  Rebalancing the body and promoting  stability, flexibility and freedom of movement.

Deep Tissue Massage

Great for working on muscles that are over tired from sports or strenuous work. Highly targeted on specific areas. 

Indian Head Massage

A deeply relaxing treatment on the back,  shoulders, neck, scalp and face, giving deep relaxation and promoting mental clarity.

Hot Stones Massage

Warmed basalt stones deeply relax the muscles  in combination with traditional techniques to instill calmness and a sense of tranquility


Energy is channeled through the hands of the therapist to the client, to  rebalance the body's own natural healing processes. 

Hopi Ear Candling

Ear candling can promote deep relaxation and can help with conditions caused by excess ear wax, congested sinuses and headaches.

Cancellation Policy

All appointments must be confirmed by entering card details.

If you need to cancel your appointment please give me as much notice as possible.

Any appointment cancelled within 48 hours of its start you will be charged 50% of the total appointment cost.

If you do not attend your appointment you will be charged the full cost of the appointment.           

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